Our treats are made right here in sunny California!
We use local suppliers and distributors in the U.S. to source almost all of our products. Some exceptions are our lamb and mussels from New Zealand and Australia, and in some cases wild-caught fish from the Pacific Northwest whose country of origin is technically Canada.ย
Almost all of our products are made from human-grade meat, with exception to certain internal body parts and organs, such as gullet, lung and trachea. Despite their enormous nutritional benefit to dogs, according to FDA labeling requirements, they are processed in a way that is not fit for human consumption. But we never use "4D"" livestock animals (dead, dying, diseased, disabled).
We absolutely source grass-fed and organic when we can. For example, our green tripe, beef tendons, and New Zealand elk are all grass-fed. Our goal is to accelerate the transition to species-appropriate food, by making it as affordable and convenient to feed real food for everyone.
We realize also that our agricultural system is severely flawed, which often makes buying organic cost-prohibitive to the masses -- but that's a whole nother challenge in itself!
In the future, we want to use our community to influence the standards of farms, meat suppliers (and regulator agencies) - to help lead our movement towards better food & health as a whole.
We hope that by being a resource for dog owners about species-appropriate diets and serving our members in our best capacity to make it easier to feed real food, that our members will require higher standards from our food producers (and regulator agencies) - helping to lead our movement towards better food & health as a whole.